September 21, 2011

The Results of Boredom

...not really 'boredom', perse, more... uh... 'not wanting to do real work'.

This one's the latest piece of procrastination I've done - at first I was going to do All Things Bright and Beautiful's album cover, but it looked complicated so I chickened out. The small words in the back are all lyrics to Owl City songs... can you name them all?


This one was actually done about a year ago for a friend's birthday present - I've mushed several of her usernames together and the background words are snippets from her stories.

FEEL YOUR RETINAS BURN. A random vector I did for fun and because that pink was so pretty I wanted to use it somewhere.


All of these are vectors, made in, uh, Powerpoint.
Yeah, I do have Photoshop - I just prefer using Powerpoint's 'pen' tool over Photoshop's. Granted, you could probably do a lot more with PS; however, at this point in time... I don't feel the need. Once I get a tablet I'll be scrawling all over Photoshop's pretty canvas with that brush, but the pen tool just doesn't seem to like me (and vice versa). Plus, in Powerpoint you can make the shape(s) as big as you want to or zoom in as far as you want without making it pixilated or anything. The downside is that I sometimes put so many shapes in that Powerpoint starts lagging...

Someday I'll start using the pen tool like a real artist does.


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