July 04, 2011

I Can Be a Photographer Too

(although not a very good one.)

Hobby photography. Not a pro by any standards, but I do have a few pictures I end up liking.


  1. These are beautiful! My favorite has to be the lamp next to the multicolored curtain. It looks like a perfect silhouette against a sunset. *magical*

  2. Amazing photography! Now stop immediately that "not being professional"-talk, because who cares when you can take this awesome pictures? Keep up the good work!

  3. @Ruth: It's one of my favourites too - the orange came from the street lamps, and the blue was from darkening skies. I don't remember the exposure time, but it was something around a minute.

    @Elina: Aw, thank you! I just enjoy taking pictures of pretty things. :3
