April 03, 2011

Owl City replied... to ME?

...wait, what?

So if you're reading this you probably know by now that Adam did, indeed, tweet me saying that he read my blog and that I was a talented author.

At the time he tweeted me, I was on DeviantArt browsing through the comics section, trying to find something to take the edge off my boredom. My phone was turned on silent as I get tired of the chirping it does when people tweet/text me.

I was going to sleep.

I really was.

And then, as always, I gave in and checked Twitter that ONE last time... and the first tweet I saw was Kasey and Haley freaking out about whether I was online or not, with a bunch of ASKDGKFS thrown in.

Obviously I had absolutely no idea what was going on, so I scrolled down a bit more and saw an Owl City tweet.

On closer inspection, it contained my twitter name in it.

On even closer inspection, it wasn't just another one of those Owl City Indonesia or Malaysia or anywhere else.

It was actually Adam Young.

I'll admit that I didn't believe it at first. It's the late night playing tricks on my eyes. DEAR VIENNA I'VE FINALLY GONE BLIND! Huh, wonder if someone hacked into his account? Are you sure there's nothing on the end of that OwlCity username?

It took a while to sink in - everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. (I kid you not. This is the extent of my ridiculous fangirlism. Sigh.)

After a minute or two of carefully counting out the letters in his username, refreshing several times and generally sitting there like an idiot, the sparkly train of light hit me.

I honestly wish that I could say I did something absolutely awesome and crazy and fangirly right then, but in reality I just sat there like an idiot for a couple more minutes while the effects slowly began setting in.
I'm not a doctor, but I'd say that I was pretty deep in shock for a while:
  • light headedness
  • clammy skin
  • rapid pulse
  • rapid breathing
  • confusion
  • weakness
After that, the first thing I sent him was "Wait - what? Wait wait wait" or some other incoherent garbage.
Then I managed to gather my wits and send him a nearly proper reply, thanking him in CAPSLOCKS and ending with "YOU'RE AWESOME?"

...to which he replied again "Of course!"

A year ago or so I was pretty into the writing scene - although, I must say, I was really not that good at it. After realizing I couldn't write proper multi-chapter stories, I stopped. Zero motivation, except for the odd plot bunny that jumped in front of me.

Now I want to write.

I suppose I'll start by keeping this blog a little more updated!

Haha. I'm still sitting here smiling. It's 1:30AM and I'm feeling really rather happy...


  1. hahahahha..LOL>
    hi..so now im following u because of his tweet, said that ur amazing..i hope he is right then. keep up :)


    ; w ; CONGRATS!

  3. You totally need to continue writing like you told Adam! I have absolutely enjoyed reading your blog entries and was saddened when I reached the last entry. What's even more amazing is that I felt like I was reading a blog about myself; I can totally relate on everything (give and take a few). I originally heard Fireflies on a stupid Kids Bop commercial and later my friend introduced me to Designer Skyline. I was immediately hooked! (Oh, I also have the mind of a 10 year old and I die laughing at his tweets. Especially the one about riding his brother's 10-speed and swerving to miss a moose on the highway! Oh man, I was in stitches, and my brother called me weird.) Please, please, please keep writing! Your blog and Adam's make my day!

  4. @Anna: Aw, thanks. He's certainly motivated me to keep writing, that's for sure! XD

  5. Oh yes, please do! If Adam tweeted me, I would've peed my pants!

  6. Your one of the luckiest people in the world. I honestly have butterflies right now......If he noticed yours, he might notice mine! wow. Incredible.
