March 24, 2011

Lonely Lullaby

So I thought for a while if I honestly wanted to post this blog post at all, because some people are definitely going to frown at me and go "HOW COULD YOU" or stuff like that.
But it's the internetz and I'm just gonna get my opinion out there to the zero people who actually read it.

Truth is, I... er... don't like Lonely Lullaby all that much.
So if you're one of those people who adore the song please don't read anymore thank you.

Now, it might just be that I don't like songs that are too simple, and it is quite a simple song. Or it might be because I usually dislike piano songs since I've had enough piano to last me a lifetime. Maybe it's because I dislike the way he's singing too high, or even just because I heard Alligator Sky first, was blown away, and was disappointed by Lonely Lullaby's... lack of blow-away-ness.

Sure. Might be any of those.

But the real reason might be that it reminds me too much of Taylor and her tendency to drag people into her songs.

It was awesome/heartattack-inducing when he sang about Swift during Valentines, it was cute when he wrote a blog about it, and it was cool when I heard the song for the first time. But a few times after... eh.

Musicians take inspiration from past relationships and they can mix up a beautiful and depressing song about them, like Lonely Lullaby. I understand that. But is there a need to call people out by name, to take your revenge on people for dumping you by singing about it and releasing the songs to your fans worldwide like Swift does? No.

While Adam definitely hasn't gone that far yet, I can't help but see the way he's managed to pull Annmarie into this. She's not a big-name celebrity, unlike the people Swift makes songs about. Swift's ex's are already pretty famous, and really don't mind getting some extra attention.
Annmarie? She's a normal girl from Adam's high school that he fell in love with. I wouldn't want to be her right now, with this song about her. She's going to feel pressured and targeted, since fans are going to be going all "ANNMARIE YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE MISSING OUT ON~" or "HOW COULD ANNMARIE DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT TO HIM?!"
If he didn't mention her name, people might be a lot less pushy about the subject and more focused on speculating who it's about (or if it was just a random depressing song Adam felt like singing).
Even though none of the fans really know her or anything... I feel sorry for her right now.

Another point is that - well. One of his latest blogs was "I Hate Goodbyes," and it was about a girl who he had to say goodbye to a couple weeks ago. Perhaps they met again and tried for something romantic again, I don't know - but a few weeks is enough time to pull together a song like "Lonely Lullaby" and put it on the album before it got finalized.
I don't know about you, but to me "I'll never forget you", repeated that many times, almost sounds like a threat - especially coming from someone who's got over four hundred thousand fans.

In all honesty... I find this song sorta scary. If "I Hate Goodbyes" wasn't about her, then it proves that he never will forget her (even after all these years), and it'd be sorta creepy. If it was about her, I'd still feel sorta creeped out that he records something like that and freaking puts it on the album.

I don't know Annmarie. I don't know how she feels about this. (It's quite likely that he asked for her permission to sing about her since he's a nice guy like that.)

But it's just why I dislike the song.



  1. I agree with you he probably shouldn't have put her name in it, but they didn't break up years ago. They only broke up in May last year. Even though Ann lived far away for college and Adam stayed in Minnesota, they were actually still in a relationship.

  2. I kind of agree with you, J. I mean...seriously.

    *sighs and returns to playing Alligator Sky* Oh, that song is simply wonderful~

    - Vi

  3. @Anonymous: Thanks! There's so many rumours and stuff I wasn't sure which one was which.

  4. I've considered not only Annmarie's feelings, but also those of Adam's future wife. It takes a very secure woman to feel confident that such strong emotions are left completely in the past, and that she isn't just the "consolation prize" of sorts. I also wasn't too impressed, but admit that even though I didn't find it to be the best piece by Owl City, it certainly is a much better song than many other popular songs out there!

  5. i agree that he probably shouldn't have put her name in the song, but i still enjoy the tune.

  6. In my opinion, I don't believe Annmarie was the actual name of Adam's ex-girlfriend. I feel like he wouldn't put in her real name just for the reasons you've said above. Adam has put in different names in some of his songs (Dear Vienna, Brielle) and I can't help but think they would be about the same person. Still, it does make me feel a bit uncomfortable to listen to this particular song because of the name reference, and well, it's just a bit too personal. However, I do love the chorus of the song...

    I'll dissolve when the rain pours in,
    When the nightmares take me...
    I will scream with the howling wind,
    Cause it's a bitter world, and I'd rather dream.

    It echoes nicely through my head because I can pretty much relate to this... Sometimes I want to just dissolve away and let go of everything when I feel like I don't belong in this world.

  7. I don't agree with you.........but I'm not going to go ballistic on you or anything. I just thought I'd share MY interpretation of the song.
    Adam obviously falls hard-like me-and I think he just needed to get his feelings out about how much of an impact Annemarie made on his life. She sounds like an amazing girl. I don't think this was a situation where one individual broke the others' heart, I think it was just case where the fairy tale froze over, the spark was gone, and they realized they had separate paths to take in life.

    I don't think that Adam meant to do any harm with using Annemarie's name. I think he just wanted to make the song a personal goodbye to someone he loves, and I guess that's why he isn't using the song on the record. You have to get Lonely lullaby on Owl City Galaxy.

    To be completely honest I loved that Adam took such a personal twist with his lyrics, I understand he has always had deep meaning in his music, but he was never this bold before now. It's a nice change. This song gives me shiverzzzzzz.

