March 07, 2011

Let the Pirate-ness Commence

In Adam Young's most recent blog post, he gives several tips as to how to become a pirate. (With the whole "Owl City is sneaky" thing, I would have thought he'd be a ninja. Apparently not.)
Most of these involve personal hygiene, like not brushing your teeth, having chest hair, not wearing lipstick, and never wearing clean undies.

However, there were a few things that really did catch my eye, such as this one:

"No pirate shall “discuss his feelings,” unless his feelings include gutting a man from stem to stern and spilling his entrails."

For a guy who has posted numerous times about love, sang a love song to a certain blonde celebrity, and is undeniably Christian... all of a sudden the image of Adam wearing a triple pointed hat with a black eye patch, a hook, his beard and a wicked scimitar dripping in blood appeared in my mind and I cracked up.
Because the only expressions on his face that I could imagine were shock, confusion, or a complete idiotic "I've lost it and I'm on a rampage now" look.
I personally had never even thought about the idea that Adam might harbour a secret love for blood and gore and killing things, but apparently he is besotted with the idea of soft white intestines leaking out of a body-severing wound, coated with blood. After all, if he confirmed that his dream was to become a pirate, and spilling guts was obviously part of the job description, then it must have been one of the things he'd adore doing... correct?

The last image stayed in mind, that 'fierce' Adam!pirate going around a little pirate ship killing people, and then it was reinforced when I saw this line:

"...unless the pirate rips off the ninja’s arm and hurls it as a projectile."

Well, you know what they say about the nice ones...

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