February 14, 2011


Yesterday, I was looking around when I saw that Taylor Swift had apparently written a song for Adam Young. I clicked on it and listened to it and didn't really think it was anything special - and then, on the "related videos" sidebar of Youtube, guess what I saw?

Adam Young's response to her song.

Well, suuuure, right? I personally don't support Taylor/Adam - I never really liked Taylor's songs, or her way of getting revenge on past boyfriends by singing about them.
Smirking, I clicked on it, fully expecting to hear a poorly done scam, or just some lowering of Taylor's voice to make it sound like a boy's.

Within five seconds the smirk was wiped off my face.
The date the video was posted?
February 12th.

I'd recognize that voice and style of music anywhere.
My jaw dropped.

All I was thinking was "No no no this can't be real, it's not real, there's been some mistake, this is all just a big joke some idiot's thought up - "

I read the note from the video description.

My heart sank, but I was still fighting. I was honestly still half believing that it would all turn out to be a big hoax, and began scouring Google and websites and Twitter.

I went to his website.

And all of a sudden, it felt like someone had stabbed me through the heart. I literally stopped and stared for a good five minutes, rereading that note. After it finally sank in that he actually did this ("What was he thinking? What was he THINKING?!"), my breath came back, quick and shallow.

I believe you call that "hyperventilation".

On the second listen through of the song, I was crying.

How could he do this to us?

I don't even know why I was crying. Of course I love Adam Young; what self respecting fangirl doesn't? But I don't believe I was crying over jealousy or anger at Taylor for being able to snatch him instead of any of us - after all, I live on the other side of the continent, never have talked to him, and am way too young for him.

I just didn't want them together. Honestly, I would have preferred Adam Young and Ke$ha to go out, as strange as it sounds.

It took me a while - two hours of thinking of nothing but Owl City and Taylor Swift, then another three hours of just listening to that one song.

The song was what really kicked it home, and kicked me into resignation.

The vocals. The music. The rhythms, the voice effects, the background vocals and the way it was so well put together - he spent time on it, and had the guts to add that extra verse on the end:

"I was never in love with someone else,
I never had somebody waiting on me,
'Cause you were all of my dreams come true...
And I just wish you knew
Taylor, I was so in love with you."

I couldn't believe it. How did someone just come out and say that? I was astounded. I know of no one else that would ever have the guts to sing something like that -- and he did it even though Swift never mentions that she loves him in her original song.
I could imagine him up later than usual at night, staring at the ceiling and arguing with himself whether he should add it or not. Whether she really meant what she said in her song, or if it was just a dramatic effect.

And for him to finally decide to come full out and admit that, at the very least, he had a crush on her, either takes a lot of stupidity, a lot of attention-neediness, or... a lot of courage and emotion.

He's posted about "Cinderella", that beautiful princess he's waiting for, on his blog before, and by the mention of 'princess' in his love note, it isn't too hard to put two and two together.

Today, Valentine's Day, is also a blog post day.
And reading his post about Taylor Swift, I couldn't help but smile sadly.

So I'll post here what I've posted everywhere else.

Taylor, treat him wrong or make him cry and you'll have us Owl Citizens to contend with.
Don't use him as just another excuse to write a breakup song, please, like all the other boyfriends you zip through and dump so quickly.

I wish Adam the best of luck, and hope he gets his own fairytale ending.

"Please don't be in love with someone else..."

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